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commands [2024/06/30 19:34] – makadon | commands [2024/07/01 00:51] (current) – removed makadon |
======Commands====== | |
Commands are entered into the chat. They're preceded by either a slash (/) or hash (#). Unambiguous abbreviations can be used in place of full commands, e.g. /w instead of /who. | |
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* **/help** - list available commands | |
* **<del>/helpplayer</del>** <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **<del>/helpclan</del>** <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/password** [//new password//] - change password <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/ipplayer** [//default = no sort / 2 = rank sort / 3 = age sort//] - change password <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/refreshalts** [//all / name//] - refresh another character without logging them in <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/lag** [//seconds//] - how long until lag turns you temporarily invulnerable | |
* **/spellignore** - attack in response to spell attack | |
* **/fightback** - attack in response to physical attack | |
* **<del>/surround</del>** - surround-hit <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **<del>/surrcomp</del>** - ghost companion's surround-hit <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/nextleft** - attack left next <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/nextright** - attack rightnext <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/follow** [//player / self//] | |
* **/gctome** - whether your ghost companion will travel with you via portals, ladders, etc <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/spelloverride** - ignore spell interference when casting on yourself <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/allowlight** - allow others to cast light on you <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/waypoint** [//default = list / number//] - change password <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/emote** or **/me** - speak about yourself in third-person | |
* **/wave** | |
* **/bow** | |
* **/shout** [//message//]] - send a message visible by all | |
* **/tell** [//player//]] [//message//]] - send a private message | |
* **/grtell** [//message//]] - send a message to your group | |
* **/ttell** [//message//]] - send a message to your team <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/live** [//message//]] - send a message to the live quest channel <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/noshout** - disable hearing shouts | |
* **/notell** - disable hearing tells | |
* **/ignore** [//player//]] - 'soft' ignore player | |
* **/iignore** [//player//]] - 'hard' ignore player <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/resetignore** - reset ignore list | |
* **/silence** - disable hearing NPCs <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/shownodeaths** - hide deaths in your description <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/afk** [//default = no message / message//] - set away-from-keyboard status | |
* **/group** [//player//]] - form a group with another player | |
* **/team** [//number//]] - set arena team number <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/purple** - join the Purple One (when in the Purple Temple) | |
* **/skua** - renounce the Purple One | |
* **/clans** - list clans <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/clwhen** [//number//]] - <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/clwho** [//number//]] - <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/who** - list online players | |
* **/seen** [//player//]] - how long since a player was online | |
* **/tell** [//thing//]] - text <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/tell** [//thing//]] - text <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/tell** [//thing//]] - text <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/tell** [//thing//]] - text <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/tell** [//thing//]] - text <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/tell** [//thing//]] - text <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/tell** [//thing//]] - text <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/tell** [//thing//]] - text <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
* **/tell** [//thing//]] - text <wrap caution>Aranock</wrap> | |
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====Gallery==== | |
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