:misc:aranock_commands_example_1.png Aranock commands :misc:aranock_commands_example_2.png Aranock commands ======Commands====== Commands are entered into the chat. They're preceded by either a slash (/) or hash (#). Unambiguous abbreviations can be used in place of full commands, e.g. /w instead of /who. * **/help** - list available commands * A **/helpplayer** * A **/helpclan** * A **/password** [//new password//] - change password * A **/ipplayer** [//default = no sort / 2 = rank sort / 3 = age sort//] - change password * A **/refreshalts** [//all / name//] - refresh another character without logging them in * A **/showloc** * **/lag** [//seconds//] - how long until lag turns you temporarily invulnerable * **/spellignore** - attack in response to spell attack * **/fightback** - attack in response to physical attack * A **/surround** - surround-hit * A **/surrcomp** - ghost companion's surround-hit * A **/nextleft** - attack left next * A **/nextright** - attack rightnext * **/follow** [//player / self//] * A **/gctome** - whether your ghost companion will travel with you via portals, ladders, etc * A **/spelloverride** - ignore spell interference when casting on yourself * A **/allowlight** - allow others to cast light on you * A **/waypoint** [//default = list / number//] - change password * **/emote** or **/me** - speak about yourself in third-person * **/wave** * **/bow** * **/shout** [//message//] - send a message visible by all * **/tell** [//player//] [//message//] - send a private message * **/grtell** [//message//] - send a message to your group * A **/ttell** [//message//] - send a message to your team * A **/live** [//message//] - send a message to the live quest channel * **/noshout** - disable hearing shouts * **/notell** - disable hearing tells * **/ignore** [//player//] - 'soft' ignore player * A **/iignore** [//player//] - 'hard' ignore player * **/resetignore** - reset ignore list * A **/silence** - disable hearing NPCs * A **/shownodeaths** - hide deaths in your description * **/afk** [//default = no message / message//] - set away-from-keyboard status * **/group** [//player//] - form a group with another player * A **/team** [//number//] - set arena team number * **/purple** - join the Purple One (when in the Purple Temple) * **/skua** - renounce the Purple One * A **/clans** - list clans * A **/clwhen** [//number//] * A **/clwho** [//number//] * **/who** - list online players * **/seen** [//player//] - how long since a player was online * **/allow** [//player//] - grant access to your grave to another player * A **/transfer** [//player//] - send item on the cursor to an offline alt * A **/trade** [//command//] - trade menu * **/gold** [//amount//] - put an amount of gold on the cursor * **/balance** - bank balance * **/deposit** [//amount//] - deposit gold at a bank * **/withdraw** [//amount//] - withdraw gold from a bank * **/depot** - open the item depot at the bank * A **/sort** [//default = normal order / sort order//] - sort inventory * A **/sortdepot** [//default = normal order / sort order//] - sort the item depot * A **/sortpdepot** [//default = normal order / sort order//] - sort the personal depot * A **/sortall** - sort the inventory, depot, and personal depot all at once * A **/sorthelp** [//opt?//] - list sort options * A **/switch** [//default = switch to equipment set / 0 - 15//] - switch equipment set or assign item to set * A **/use** [//item name//] * A **/garbage** - destroy item held on the cursor * A **/rings** [//number//] - list significant rings * A **/amulet** [//number//] - list significant amulets * A **/armour** [//number//] - list significant chest armour * A **/belt** [//number//] - list significant belts * A **/hand** [//default = short list / 1 = detail / 2 = detail special items //] - list significant hand armour * A **/shield** [//number//] - list significant shields * A **/karate** [//number//] - list significant karate equipment * A **/axe** [//number//] - list significant axes * A **/dagger** [//number//] - list significant daggers * A **/sword** [//number//] - list significant swords * A **/th** [//number//] - list significant two-handed swords * A **/staff** [//number//] - list significant staves * A **/wand** [//number//] - list significant wands * A **/champion** [//number//] - list significant champion weapons * A **/ranks** - list all ranks and their required experience points * A **/rank** - experience points required for next rank * A **/listskills** - list all skills in the game and their modifying attributes * A **/max** - list your stats, their base and maximum values, and experience points required to max them * A **/remove** [//stat//] * A **/spells** - list active spells and related * A **/firstkill** [//page number//] * A **/explor** [//page number//] - list remaining exploration points * A **/data** - list remaining quests, highest completed labyrinth and castle quest * A **/pqlist** - active player quests * A **/pqarchive** - archived [[misc:player-quest|player quests]] * A **/pent** - the number of activated pentagrams needed to solve this round * A **/countportal** - list active special portals * A **/mlotto** - monster lotto * **/time** - the in-game time * A **/moon** - the same as /time but also how long until the next special moon