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In the upper-left of the user interface are the player's stats. Beginning with attributes, followed by hitpoints, endurance, and mana, then all learned skills and spells. Weapon value and armour value are listed beside the player's full-length portrait.

Stats consist of their base, modified, and final calculated power values. The base value is what you spend experience points upgrading. The 'mod' value is affected by attributes, spells, and item effects. The final power includes effects from race and moon phase. Base values can be seen by casting Identify on a player or NPC ( A additionally in Aranock, also shown to the left of mod values in the UI). Mod values are listed in the skill and spell list in the UI. Spell power can be seen by casting Identify.

The maximum base values are defined by race.

Weapon and armour values

Weapon value (WV) and armour value (AV) are determined by equipped items and spells. These values will degrade as weapons and armour are damaged. And, armour value will reduce as Magic Shield loses effectiveness.

These opposing stats apply when physical hits land, and also in the case of armour value whether an enemy NPC will cast Blast on you.

Passive skills

Weapon skills include Hand-to-Hand, Karate, Dagger, Wand, Staff, Axe, Sword, Two-handed, and Shield. These are compared against that of your enemy to determine how often each other's physical attacks land.

hows shield work? anything beyond AV?

skill description
Concentrate reduces the mana cost of spells
Meditate the rate at which mana is restored
Rest the rate at which endurance is restored
Regenerate the rate at which hitpoints are restored
Lock-picking improves the chance of successfully picking a lock
Perception how far away you can detect other players and NPCs
Stealth how difficult it is for players and NPCs to see you
Repair ability to repair held items
Resistance affects whether or not an enemy can cast Curse, Stun, or Identify on you
Immunity dampens the effects of enemy Curse, Stun, and Blast
Swimming reduce impact of swimming hp loss?
Bartering improve prices when trading with NPCs
Sense Magic detect attempted curse/stun at you? some other things?

When Resistance power is high enough in relation to an enemy's spell power, the spell will fail every time. An enemy needs Curse power of more than 70% of your Resistance power to have a chance at success, and more than 50% in the case of Stun.

The power of enemy Curse, Stun, and Blast is reduced by half of your Immunity power.

Stealth effectiveness is improved by slower action speeds (i.e. Normal and Slow).

Many doors are impossible to lockpick.

Active spells

Listed is base mana cost without the aid of Concentrate.

spell mana description
Light 5 illuminates a player or NPC
Identify 25? displays the stats of another player, NPC, or held item
Recall 15? teleports you to the Temple after a delay
Guardian Angel 0? minimise the impact of death
Heal 20? restores hitpoints to a player or NPC
Bless 35 increases the mod value of all stats
Protect 25 increases armour value (AV)
Magic Shield 25 increases armour value (AV), the effect diminishing over time and upon receiving damage
Enhance Weapon 25 increase weapon value (WV)
Dispel Magic 25 removes the last spell cast on a player or NPC
Curse 35? decrease the mod value of all stats
Curse 2 ? Curse but affects all enemies nearby
Stun 20? freeze an enemy
Blast ? damages an enemy from afar
Blast 2 ? Blast but affects all enemies nearby
A Compulsion ? compel an enemy to become an ally
Ghost Companion 55? summons an NPC ally

Spell power is affected by race and moon phase. A number of items also provide temporary boosts to various stats.

  • Mercenary +5%
  • Warrior +10%
  • Sorcerer +10%
  • Harakim (no change)
  • Arch-Harakim +5%
  • Templar +-10%
  • Arch-Templar -5%
  • Seyan'Du -5%
  • New Moon -?%
  • Full Moon +?%

It can be beneficial to cast Bless and Curse twice or even three times to compound their effect.

To minimise the impact of a spell failing (losing focus) it's a good idea to activate it multiple times in quick succession.

You can cast spells on your Ghost Companion and allies acquired via Compulsion.

When casting spells on others, spell power is reduced where the target player or NPC (NPCs included?) is significantly weaker in proportion. (whats the equation? see v2 source)

Magic Shield can only be cast on yourself. However, a scroll of the spell can be cast on others, notably including NPC allies.

A Allies acquired by Compulsion will automatically transfer after 30 minutes (without returning experience to you). It's a good idea to /transfer them beyond this occurs.

Be careful with area of effect skills and spells as they may target friendly NPCs in a handful of locations.

Hostile NPCs will only attempt to Blast you if their spell power is 10 or more higher than your armour value (AV).

The duration of Stun in seconds is 1 plus its power divided by 18.

Guardian Angel activates and deactivates instantly and has no chance to fail. When active upon death, no additionally unlocked hitpoints, endurance, or mana are lost and some items are retained. The higher the spell power, the more items kept.

Bless, Protect, Magic Shield, Enhance, Curse, and Stun are available as scrolls of an initial 3 charges. Unnamed scrolls have a power of 50?, Ankh 80?, Ishtar 150, and Skua 300. These items have the advantage of activating instantly and also aren't subject to spell reduction (correct?).

Obtaining skills and spells

New skills and spells can be obtained by completing quests and attaining higher-tier races.

skill / spell suggested rank origin location target location
Barter Private Jamil, short southeast of Temple Thieves' House, short north of Jamil

significant stuff:

see v2 source for inner workings, and try to confirm any changes made to Aranock

experience cost for raising stats, maybe on experience points page. or vice versa.

hotkeys, user interface.

redirect skills, spells, attributes, hp end mana weapon value etc to this article

misc/stats.1720796992.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/13 01:09 by makadon