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Mercenaries of Astonia Aranock Online friendly NPC





braveness 0 90 0
willpower 0 90 0
intuition 0 90 0
agility 0 90 0
strength 0 90 0
hitpoints 0 900 0
endurance 0 900 0
mana 0 0 900
regenerate 0 10 0
rest 0 0 10
meditate 0 90 0
concentrate 0 0
hand to hand 0 0 0
karate 0 0
dagger 0 0 0
wand 0 0
staff 0 0
axe ? 0 0
sword 0 0 0
two-handed 0 0 0
swimming ? 0 0
lock-picking 0 0 0
repair 0 0 0
bartering 0 0 0
sense magic 0 0 0
perception 0 0 0
identify 0 0 0
immunity 0 0 0
resistance 0 0 0
stealth 0 0 0
guardian angel 0 0 0
light 0 0 0
heal 0 0 0
bless 0 0 0
protect 0 0 0
magic shield 0 0 0
enhance weapon 0 0 0
curse 1 0 0 0
curse 2 0 0 0
stun 0 0 0
blast 1 0 0 0
blast 2 0 0 0
warcry 0 0 0
recall 0 0 0
identify 0 0 0




hand 0 0 0
hand 0 0 0
head 0 0 0
chest 0 0 0
back 0 0 0
arms 0 0 0
legs 0 0 0
feet 0 0 0
amulet 0 0 0
belt 0 0 0
ring 0 0 0
ring 0 0 0

The bank manager in town.


West of the temple. Just south of the mines entrance.


  • /balance
  • /deposit [amount]
  • /withdraw [amount]
  • /depot - open the item depot
  • /sortdepot [default = normal order / sort order] - sort the item depot Aranock

Full list of commands

npc/manager.1719765726.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/01 02:42 by makadon